Friday, December 02, 2005

SYNTHETIQUE digital effects -animation

For me very important in the art is the treatment, and most of the times an artistic style takes its name because of that. The way you express and expose yourself through the art. Something quite new, successful and eye catchy in 3d animation is the "Toon Rendering" part of the "non photorealistic rendering". In other words is the 3d model/props or enviroment rendered as 2d traditional cartoon. I am excited by this kind of rendering and i would like to challenge myself and achieve a good quality toon rendering for this project. While I was making research I discovered two French briliant films : one experimental, the "Bizzare Triangle" and one music video by Thomas Fersen "Deux Pieds". Later I found out that they belong to the same company "Synthetique" and the same artist Jérôme Combe .

You can check some of their works in this site:

and you can also download one video in:


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