Friday, January 27, 2006

Meeting for the Final Show

Wednesday 25/01/06
On wed was our first meeting as Andy instruct us to start the preperations quite early to avoid problems that have happened in the past. Our agenda was that as Cherry made it
Date: 26/1/2006.
Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Venue: Lecture Room (Next to Andy’s room)

1. Theme and rundown of previous final show
2. Documents and related materials for reference (e.g. website, budget plan, letters to sponsors, brochure, poster, etc.)
3. Date of final show 2006
4. Technical & financial support from college (e.g. equipment, helpers, financial estimate, etc.)

1. Division of labour –

Position Duties Names
Person-in-charge Close contact with college and all teams
Secretary Minutes taking, writing letters / emails to sponsors, media & guests (e.g. art schools, college fellows, artists & designers…)
Treasurer Book keeping, budget plan…
PR (media & guests) Press release (if necessary), invitation to media and guests
PR (sponsors) Searching for potential sponsors
General Management Venue, setting, move-in & move-out, recording video, private view stuff…
Promotion Team Offline – Poster, brochure, leaflet, etc.
Online – Website, viral marketing, etc.

2. Venue (college or other galleries)
3. Theme & logo (theme should be confirmed but logo / design can be done later)
4. Sponsorship (list of potential sponsors)
5. Promotion (e.g. leaflet, poster, website, viral emails, any other suggestions??)
6. Deliverables (e.g. DVD, brochure, name card, any other suggestions??)
7. Guests & guest speakers in private view / opening ceremony
8. Insurance & storage of exhibits
9. Reimbursement method
10. Floor plans & requirement sheets of all students (to GM)
11. Duty list

Duties Responsible person Deadline
Booking venue (if necessary) Person-in-charge
Budget Plan Treasurer
Floor plan of the venue (with detailed measurement & design) GM
Layouts of promotional materials (offline) Promotion Team
Layouts of promotional materials (online, esp. website) Promotion Team
Minutes Secretary
Letter to sponsors Secretary
Letter to media (if necessary) Secretary
Letter to guests & guest speakers Secretary
Sponsor list PR (sponsors)
Media & Guest list PR (media & guests)
Quotation of promotional materials & deliverables Promotion Team
Confirmation of insurance & storage GM
Booking equipments GM
Contact list Person-in-charge

12. Contact list (name, tel no., email, ICQ/MSN/Skype)

We had some first ideas and very roughly we share some work that is required to be done early such as asking for sponsorship and IT of the final show.


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